Learning About Industrial Supplies

How To Safeguard Your Business With The Proper Use Of Fire Extinguishers

Fire safety equipment and protocol are important to protect businesses from catastrophic losses due to fires. Fire extinguishers can prevent small fires from threatening lives and livelihoods. However, simply placing a fire extinguisher in your business will not necessarily safeguard your facility against fires. These are four safety tips that will help you keep your customers, employees, business, and products safe with fire extinguishers:

1. Purchase sufficient fire extinguishers for your facility.

When purchasing fire extinguishers, you must take into account the purpose, size, and layout of your facility. You must remember that fire extinguishers should be easily accessible at all times. The United States Occupational Safety and Health Administration states that fire extinguishers should be within 75 feet of employees at all times. However, you may want to provide additional fire extinguishers if your facility is laid out in such a way that accessing fire extinguishers is difficult from certain positions.

2. Clearly mark the location of fire extinguishers.

Fire extinguishers are only useful when people have knowledge of their existence. You can alert staff members and guests alike to the position of your fire extinguishers by providing maps in easy-to-see locations. Indicating the locations of your fire extinguishers will ensure that they can be promptly used in the event of a fire. Training programs for staff members should also include specific information about fire extinguisher positioning in your store, office, or warehouse.

3. Train your staff members in the use of fire extinguishers.

Fire extinguishers are most effective when people know how to use them appropriately. This includes the optimal distance of the fire extinguisher nozzle in relation to the fire. Employees must also learn the correct sweeping pattern to use to smother flames completely. Fire extinguisher training should be included as part of your company's health and safety protocol. If you do not want to perform in-house training for your employees, you can find pre-made fire safety courses that cover topics such as the use of portable fire extinguishers.

4. Have your fire extinguishers serviced and replaced as needed.

Finally, it's important to keep in mind the fact that fire extinguishers are not good forever. Fire extinguishers should be inspected and serviced on a regular basis, and any fire extinguishers that are defective should be replaced. Paying attention to the condition of your fire extinguishers will ensure that they are always ready for use in an emergency.
